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Monday, March 27, 2017

MARCH...marches on...

Can you believe it?? almost to the end of March. Rainy here.. much needed rain too... Of course this makes one, ( ME)  want to go play in the dirt, and get that "to do list" started on?  Why is that? spring comes, some times before it gets here, we, ( I )  get this MADNESS??  to get this done, get that done, got to have this and that...all done...SOON!

Then we have, the LIFE "stuff" that comes, ya know tax time, bills..just living, or trying. Getting by, some times with a tad bit left to get  a few extra's, we wanting to get.

Like Mulch... yes yes, we need mulch, told the hubs, he groans... But says not one word, smart man ( smile) so mulch we get, and some top soil and some manure and he loads it all, or most, the help not come until the last few bags, then the wonderful hubs,(smile) unloads it all, from said truck... so now I have the mulch to do the front flower beds.

YES!  yes this is the year, we "plan" to get some out side work done on the old place, Much "NEEDED" roof, (for starters) he want metal...well mmm maybe ??? think the old girl will like it??? 2 story,  100 yrs old...will it be hotter upstairs??? they tell me "no"  mmm ? well... I tell the hubs, "IF we go metal, I get to pick the color"..."well"... he stalls, then says, "well, okay, what you have in mind? Black, grey, green?"  

mmm" NO... the brightest RED they got"... his look? is pained, LOL
Hubs looks at me and says, "timidly, are you sure?" with doubt in his eyes... "Oh YES!" I reply, "it will be the brightest house on this corner!"  Hubs, with his deadpan look, says "it is the only house on this corner" (such details pfff)...LOL "yep!  so it stand out!" mmm
I do not think he is convinced?   We will see...( he not think the RED door was a good idea, until after I did it and then he was like wow, that looks good! DOUBT me???  pffff...

I have looked at other 2 story homes and think they all look very nice, even grand! ( pics courtesy pintrest)  What do you think?