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Tuesday, May 2, 2017


May...where did April go? April left us in a torment of TEARS?

Seems I was very busy? with this and that...LIFE stuff.

Yes, the SPRING  bug hit me and I have been cleaning on flower beds, with all of the LIFE stuff...

Dodging the tears? rain drops...some times, buckets full at once!!! It is just really really "soggy"  here in my little corner of far! 
Flooding is all around us...and more rain to come ???  

Seems Mother Nature is "cleaning up".. giving every thing a good wash &...FLUSH... 
Can  not say I blame her, we humans do a lot of damage, TRASHING/ABUSE of her! We  are really stupid to keep doing this to Mother Earth. We take and take from her,and once we done with what ever, we just dump it right back on her, in her, around her. We try to stop her ways, her cycles...Well Mother Nature has other ideas of what needs done!

We see damage, destruction, even death... 

But to Mother Earth, this is the Circle of Life, and it must go on. Their MUST be BALANCE...
The Earth is off BALANCE, and Mother Earth is trying to heal her self...

No, none of this is pretty to us humans. This is just a small portion of the flooding all over the state, Farm ground covered in water, crops planted early will have to be replanted. Many will have to replant their gardens. Tho we feel all this destruction is  not needed, the Balance is off kilter. 
To say I understand all this? nope!  I just know MOM is cleaning house, and some times when you clean, you make more of a mess to start out, before you get it cleaned and looking good ! 

So we hang on... best we can, pray, yes pray, ask...yes ask... over and over again...
Get the umbrellas,rain gear, boats, buckets for leaks, sump pumps working over time, Travel detours, or stay at home. Keep our heads up... best we can. 

The rain will stop, it will dry out and we will start again, This too shall pass.

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