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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Reading the Vibes: A Lenormand Reading

I mentioned in my last blog my family situation, specifically the dynamics of my dysfunctional family.  I think I may have mentioned there are scant few blood family members in my family left.  What I have are:  my only sibling, a half brother who is eight years younger than I.  His wife, my SIL who is ten years younger than I, their two children, my niece and nephew.  Then three maternal aunts and one uncle, he married my Aunt Rhoda.  As for cousins, Rhoda and Keith's three sons who I have not seen in fifty years.  Then my Aunt Judith's two children, my cousin Boppie who is ten years older than I and my only female cousin living.  Then her half brother, my cousin AJ who I met once when he was  a baby, fifty years ago.  And my own two sons and four grandsons.  No surviving family members on my father's side, they died out nearly fifty years ago.  Both my parents passed away yrs ago.  So thats it.  My half brother has TBI (traumatic brain injury from an accident ten yrs ago) as does my niece.  So its really challenging to have a relationship with both of them at times.  My nephew rocks, he is very kind and loving, compassionate and caring, odd considering how his parents are.  He is the closest. 

I had reconnected to Boppie as I mentioned in my last blog and was working on building a relationship with her again when my SIL pulled the rug out from under my feet and destroyed that.  But the why of it is what is troubling me.  Its a vibe I am getting.  It all began with introducing them all last summer and a family get together at SIL and my half brother's place.  The sparks flew, they connected, I smiled, felt it was a wonderful time.  My half brother had not known our aunts not cousin and her husband.  Boppie and Chuck were home for the summer and I happened to be down for a visit at the same time.  So in August before Boppie left back for Florida, I had left a month before, was sick with a really strange respiratory problem, they got together again.  Plans were made to get together this August again.  The only problem was and SIL never informed me nor invited me to this get together.  I didn't know anything about it until January when Boppie called and said her and Chuck were going to be in Maine this summer and why don't we get together?  Sure, would love to.  Then she went on to say, "And if you are so inclined ride back with us to NY for the family get together."  I fell silent on my end of the call, my blood ran cold, my throat went dry and my stomach fluttered, I felt my heart drop into the pit of my stomach.  OMGSS How could my SIL do this?  I can't go unless I am invited and she never did, even though I talked with her in November about going to Florida to spend time with Boppie and Chuck with her. 

Then things really CHANGED in March/April when SIL went to Florida to visit them, now mind you, she just met them last summer and doesn't KNOW them, complete strangers and she goes down to visit.  Odd but then like I said my family is dysfunctional.  Boppie stopped calling me, stopped talking to me on Facebook, not a peep.  Not even a like or comment.  Then by accident I talked with my half brother and he said in a bragging tone how close SIL is to our Aunt Rhoda and Uncle Keith and how they talk everyday.  Then he mentioned the August get together and I was stumped and shocked, told him I didn't know.  He said to make plans to come.  I said get me a date and time.  Its been over a month, crickets!  Then I mentioned Boppie and Chuck coming here to Maine this summer and he said no, plans were changed, they are spending three weeks at his house camping in their RV's.  Hmmmm..........odd but it felt true and yet so unlike Boppie to tell me.  Something was wrong, went wrong and SIL is the culprit.  But what did she say?  Do?  Then last week out of the blue Boppie restricted me from her Facebook page, all I see are cover photos and profiles, no longer family pictures or those of her beautiful gardens and dogs.  War is in the air, I smell it. 

I am insulted, offended, heartbroken, and aghast at the level they all have stooped to.  But not surprising because SIL likes to stir the shitpot and she LOVES meddling in my personal family affairs.  My half brother told me that She and my violent and abusive DIL talk often on Facebook.  OMGSS!!!!!!!  That DIL is deeply psychologically disturbed and had she done to a stranger what she did to my son she'd still be in prison and never have had the luxury of being a parent.  She tried to kill my son not once, not twice, but three times that he mentioned to us.  Then he goes back to her, we let it go gave her a chance.  Then in 2012 she severed all contact with us.  My half brother does not understand the pain that happened and the hateful hurtful things he said to us before the sever. 

So long story here, thank you for bearing with me, but I did a Lenormand reading on the situation with my SIL and Boppie.  This is what I got: 

This is a past, present, future spread, nine cards.  The snake is the card that represents what the reading is about as its the middle card.  Spot on, SIL.  The top row is the past, middle present, last future.  My interpretation is:

Past:  storm clouds were brewing and when SIL took her trip to Florida she set the foundation for the heartbreak

Present:   SIL, the snake worked to kill the relationship and sever ties with the scythe.  

Future:  I am the fortune tell so I should expect some form of communication from either my niece of nephew shortly regarding this mess.  I dunno though, I could be wrong.

Bottom line, at the end of this day and every day forward, I will always have a dysfunctional family and its not healthy for me.  I need to let them go.  Its sad, sure could have used their love and support but there isn't any they are capable of giving, not can they be loyal and honest.  Its not within their being to be caring, nurturing, and loving.  I've learned that the hard way.  So to them I fly the bird high and mighty!  

1 comment:

  1. NO I don't think all this DRAMA is good for you any time, but especially NOW... walk away sis, walk away...
