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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Once Upon a Sisterhood

I am really on a roll here today on sisterhood.  Sisterhood is important to me and to us women and to the future of our world.  Wakie uppie women and open your shut eyes!  See what is before us and then look into your heart to see how you can be a force of change!  I am sharing with you a piece of my past, a story about a failed sisterhood and the ensuing wreckage for two of the sisters.  There is a lot more involved in this tragic story which I will write on at a later date.  I am telling you this story and sharing with you my reading on this sisterhood because this is what happens when egos and attitudes get in the way and the "leader" does not keep it in check.  This sisterhood was formed in 2013.  A young woman I knew wanted to form a small study group on witchcraft and eventually make it into a coven.  First she had to find other women who were interested.  

This young woman ran a few successful facebook groups and a Tarot study group so she had connections.  She quickly formed a forum and then began accepting members.  The red flag was not many applied.  There were two women who joined that I liked.  They were close to my age and fellow hippie gypsy souls, (and I say that with much love because one time I wrote in a forum I had a "Gypsy soul" and got blasted but then the woman who ran that forum was questionable and a scammer) Back to those two women.....they were Earthy and had a lot of expertise and I was looking forward to knowing them.  Then there was this one woman who was different, she was older as well.  When I say older, the four of us were all at least twenty years older than the founding sister.  But this one sister.......she was at times overbearing, she could be pleasant but she liked to dominate conversations and always, always turned it to the topic being about her wretched personal life.  She had no manners and lacked grace.  She was the one who offended and fought with the other two and they left.  The one wrote me an e-mail and told me that the founding sister and the different sister were brutal.  

I, not wanting to judge the founding sister and the different sister because I didn't know them, stayed and toughed it out.  But at a cost.  Oh my gosh......those were the darkest three years of my life being connected to them.  As the end neared I felt the need to do a reading on the sisterhood the three of us formed.    At the end I copied and pasted the update I wrote on Oct, 1, 2016 after the founding sister crashed and burned.  

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Good Bye: A Random Tarot Reading

I bet many of you didn't know I read Tarot Cards.  Well.....I haven't really talked about it a lot but I do.  I've been reading the cards for well over fifteen years now.  From time to time I will do random readings for nobody in particular and post the readings on my yahoo group.  Yesterday I did one such reading and I decided to post it here on my blog.  Don't ask me why because it was for no particular reason.

*Note*  I forgot to publish this post and since a few months have passed since I did the reading I would like to share that the individuals involved did indeed have a crack in their group and as of now it's spiraling downward, one of the major issues is "It's all about me."  I could have been a great sisterhood, had the potential too. 

Deck      Ellen Dugan's Witches Tarot

Spread:  My own

I am forewarning you right now.......I give very long and detailed readings.  

Group One:  The First Three Cards:  "Once Upon a Time"

The Three of Cups:
There were at least three women that came together that had a love for the fairy realm, flowers, gardens, and the outdoors.  They were feminine women who loved painted fingernails, pretty flowing dresses or blouses, jewelry with gemstones, and they shared this love as they drank from their wine filled chalices. I sense "herbs" here and feel that this is a group of women who had a shared interest in herbs or something herb related. Maybe a gardening group?
Lets look at each woman in this group:
By the way it feels like a warm summer day and there is much love and warmth flowing between them.  Two face each other and I clearly feel that these two have something in common, something that connects them in some way.  The one in the middle doesn’t seem to be as connected to the group because of this shared connection the two have.  It’s something she doesn’t have, a shared set of experiences? 
The one on the left,  she has red hair and feels “Pretty in Pink”  This woman has a little bit of a, “Diva” feel to her but has a sincere heart.  She feels like she tells it like it is.  Fire sign
The one in the middle: My eye keeps going back to her, there is an energy about her that doesn’t totally feel loving, and the word aloof comes to mind here.  She may be narcissistic and could be leading a sheltered life. I am getting that she walks between worlds and isn’t always on the Earth plane.  She has a difficult time trusting and although she welcomes this gathering she doesn’t embrace it.  Air Sign
The one on the right: Earth energies radiate from her and she feels like she could be a “Earth Mamma.”  She is down to Earth and very approachable, kind, loving, and generous Earth sign
What is interesting though is the group forms in this outdoor setting with a giant waterfall thundering in the background, a mist rises up and it feels almost mystical. Yet, yet……I am getting that this waterfall feels like thundering emotions so loud that their voices are drowned out.  And the flowers are interesting as well, each has a toxic foxglove positioned behind them.  This group is going to heal their “heart” issue with emotions. Thats what foxglove does, the heart medicine digitalis is made from foxglove.  

Group Two:  What Happened?

In this group of three cards we see what happened to the pretty ladies.  It wasn’t so pretty:
Water and fire, interesting it seems that the water put out the King of wand’s fire and passion.  *psssttt* and out goes the flame and light, the warmth, and the drive. As you can see the lovely ladies were not close and in fact were disconnected, disjointed, and could care less about the other. 

Six of Swords:
One left and turned her back because she didn’t care, apathy is what I feel here and the need to get away, drift perhaps out to sea after she grew tired of paddling.  She is alone.
King of wands:
One of these three women was passionate about life, a go getter, and driven to succeed.  This woman was mature.  She was also bright, bubbly, and willing to help others, congenial, charming, and sincere.  She wanted to help.  I would say that this lady was the elder and the one who was waiting.
Five of Cups:
This one turned her back as well and left, she was miserable, she was not to quote Stevie Nicks, “A calm blue sea!”  She allowed the water to wash away her troubles and felt like she wasn’t worthy.  She sits on a rock which is not comfortable.  

Group Three:  The Outcome:   

The Outcome:
Wow….two major cards side by side, this group of three or more ladies was very special and meant to be but because our lady in blue could not embrace nor connect to the other two she developed a paranoia and this wedged them apart forever leaving a gaping hole in their hearts.  
The Shadow Side (reversed)
Blaming the others for not being the person she wanted or needed to be.  She refused to face her fears.  It wasn't them, it was her! I get the feeling too that  our lady in the middle, the one in blue, could not handle the connection the other two had and this bothered her.  It feels more like she could not connect because they possessed experiences and knowledge she could not relate to nor understand.  She felt like she was on the outside looking in. Paranoid is the word I am getting. 
The Moon (reversed)
Hecate the triple Goddess tries to light the way through the dark.    
 It feels like one kept the other two in the dark and deceived them.  To what end?  She held the keys to knowledge and she wanted the other two to go to her for the keys to knowledge and magick.  And in the end she threw the two to the wolves. 

Two years have come and gone since I did this reading. Much tragedy hit two of the women and the third, the founding woman, has gone on to lie, cheat, and steal. She is a fake and phony and very soon I will write the rest of the story on her. So so much and more of this reading came to pass, its eerily accurate. There is a tale to tell of three women who came together to form a fellowship only to have the founding woman destroy it and their respective lives.  

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