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Saturday, January 21, 2017

Pussies on a Mission

Today is the perfect day to launch my new blog, you see its the women's march today, Jan 21, 2017 against Trump.  Its great to see all the pink pussy hats and the women getting together again after decades to rally but is it really real?  Come Monday morning the pussyhats will be off and the pussy claws out again and not poised to claw at Trump or men, but at each other.  The loss of the TRUE sisterhood from the late 1960's and early 1970's is gone.  Its been gone.  It died when women imploded on each other and turned on one another to scratch and claw their way to the top.  Women viewed other women as competition and the, "enemy" instead of their sister.  I blame Ronald Reagan's war against women for that.  Further, I blame cultural influences, and I blame women.  Had we not been so busy fighting each other maybe......JUST MAYBE we might not be in this position right now and instead be celebrating Hillary or some other woman as President.  

Sisters I ask.......WHAT THE FUCK are ya'll thinking?  Get it together ladies and stay together.  Yeah, I'm pissed off, I am one pissed off pussy and nasty woman (#nastywoman) because you all (and I say, "you all" because I am older) should have hung together over the years.  Just think of the things we could have accomplished had we done so.  Instead we are now set back 50 yrs or more in time and many have sold their tittys and pussies to the devil!  Shame on ya'll!  Now here we are, at the forefront of a new era, a new women's movement and you aren't even organized.  I want to puke as I read the fake and phony, casual, and insincere use of the word, "sister" in comments attempting to support one another.  Its gotta start with being REAL!  SINCERE!!!  You got that pussies?  SINCERITY, LOVE, RESPECT, and MEAN IT!!!!!!!Otherwise your work is in vain and the male establishment knows it too.  Don't you know that men know we women hate each other and fight?  And whats the supposed favorite thing we women love to do.........GOSSIP?  They will never take us seriously unless we mean it!  You know Trump is sitting back, along with the other males just laughing because they know women will take off their pussyhats and out comes the claws again slashing at each other.  

So Pussys if you are gonna start a movement you better be able to see it through.  Don't half ass this shit and call each other sisters for a few days and then get into cat fights with the claws out.  Be real women and stand real women and mean it!  Otherwise this is all in vain and who wins again?  Nothing will change unless you can see it through!  Its up to you pussies!  

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